Australian Cruise

Australian Cruise
Our first full day in Australia, 2012, on a Freemantle beach.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Family History Fair

The 10th Ward in our Stake hosted a Family History Fair today.  It had wonderful things to look at, learn and even eat!  I taught a class on using  I prepared a PowerPoint presentation, so I would cover all that I wanted to.  I ended up teaching the class 3 times, so not bad. 
Unfortunately, as it goes with almost anything to do with Family History, it wasn't a great turnout.  People were there, but it should have been 5 times as many.  Oh well.  I had fun, the people who came had fun and learned new things!  Plus, they brought in one of the scanners from BYU, and I was able to scan about 125 pictures in about 15 minutes.  And it can scan both the front and back at the same time.  Very, very cool.  I wish I could have keep scanning, but they needed to clean up. :-(  But I can go to BYU and do it!   The only reason it took me as long as it did for those 125 pictures, was because I was only stacking about 5 or 6 at a time, because I wanted them to go back in the same page they were in in the photo album.  The scanner feeds them through probably about one picture per second.  Amazing!
Here's one of my favorite photos that I scanned!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I could use that scanner! Sounds like fun!
